- Course Start Date: October 19, 2021
- Timezone: America/Toronto
- Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Duration: 1 hour
- Location: Virtual
This webinar provides an Introduction to Cloud Computing. We'll discuss how cloud computing is helping business to mitigate losses due to COVID and how you can leverage cloud computing to increase productivity during stressed times.
This webinar provides an Introduction to Cloud Computing. We'll discuss how cloud computing is helping business to mitigate losses due to COVID and how you can leverage cloud computing to increase productivity during stressed times. This session is part of the webinar series "Doing Business in Post COVID world" designed to help people and business in achieving digital transformation during and after COVID.
You will learn:
- What Cloud Computing really means
- How Cloud Computing can make difference in your businesses during and after COVID
- Increasing productivity and efficiency by Cloud computing